Dare to Care: Tee-off for visually impaired
Worcester Standard: 13 April 2023
At Innovation for the Blind we are cautiously optimistic about the year. We are very aware of the various challenges to our sustainability as well as the balance between growth and organisational stability, but these realities do not reduce our optimism for positive change. I am extremely grateful to each donor friend, corporate partner, our churches, and community members who supports us – we appreciate that you carry us through difficult times and the fact that you celebrate our victories with us.
Last year was once again a year of transformation for Innovation for the Blind. It was a year during which we were able to create new opportunities and we look back on so many blessings from our Lord. In 2022 we were able to install our second solar plant. This plant is situated at our Finance and Administration department and includes our shop “Ons Winkel”. This solar plant is necessary to ensure sustainability with regards to financial services and specific services within our shop.
We are extremely grateful for the extraordinary support of our loyal donors who made it possible to reserve funds to expand our existing solar plant at Ebenhaezer, in 2023. Ebenhaezer is our residential facility for persons with multiple disabilities, and the building where our central kitchen and laundry department is situated. This expansion will ensure uninterrupted services to ensure that our residents receive the best possible care. The continuation of sustainable employment opportunities is of course just as important and that is why we will also install a solar plant in our Metal Department – where persons with visual impairments are employed in an environment which bridges the gap between the open labour sector and sheltered employment.
It was also with great excitement that we received funding to renovate and expand the existing small massage department to now include two beautiful spa rooms! Our joint venture with Joseph Matheatau, the first blind Barista in South Africa, has been groundbreaking work – pioneering new opportunities for persons with visual impairments. We are therefore excited to share that we are in the process of launching a second joint venture where yet another person with a visual impairment will enjoy majority ownership in the massage and aroma therapy department.
Terelga Bald is an inspiring and dynamic lady – she may have lost her sight, but most definitely not her vision for the future. She has been an incredible ambassador ever since her first day at Innovation and she will soon become a full-fledged partner. Terelga and her team of 3 masseuses will shortly be ready to welcome members of the public as clients to the new, Innovation Wellness Centre!
We are excited about the ripples of change and transformation that is happening in collaboration with so many precious donor friends and partners. To find out how you can cause ripples of change in the lives of persons with visual impairments, contact us on 023 347 2745, email reception@innovationfortheblind.org or visit our website www.innovationfortheblind.org
Vergeet van Vrydagaand kosmaak en kom kuier saam by Innovation for the Blind en Feedem se Op Wip Koffiewinkel op 21 April 2023! Daar is iets vir almal – ‘n verskeidenheid heerlike warm etes, asook gebak vir elke soettand. Bestel vooraf of kom kies self van die lip-lek-lekker opsies. Die Koffiewinkel vind plaas by die Danie Lückhoffsaal, Tulbaghstraat, Worcester vanaf 10:00 tot voorraad hou. Vir bestellings & navrae kontak Laurita by 023 342 4618 / 084 467 9150 of stuur ‘n e-pos na innovationftb@feedem.co.za (spyskaart beskikbaar op ons Facebook-blad “Innovation for the Blind”.
The well-known and sought-after annual Golf Day in aid of the Blind, presented by Pioneer Printers in collaboration with Innovation for the Blind, is taking place on 5 May 2023. If you would like to enter a four-ball, make a sponsorship towards the day, sponsor prizes or want to sponsor a hole, contact Nadia at secretary@pioneerprinters.org.za or give them a call on 023 342 6313. Limited entries available.